We are looking for a volunteer mobile app developer to create an app for Gaucher's Chat. An outdated SDK will be supplied. Once complete, feel free to sell your app anywhere you choose and/or place a credit in the app (Developed by My Name).
- AdMob or AdSense feature
- iOS and Android with video chat (Android first)
- Access to sign up
- Access to all site features
We cannot pay you. You will be volunteering your application and code to Gaucher's Chat. If you have a business, blog, or website, we will gladly give you free advertising and link to your site both on the site and through the app. The site was built, is maintained and paid for by one person, with the exception of donations and advertising revenue (or lack there of). If you are willing to help us out, we will be willing to be a reference for you as well.
Please contact us if you are interested and tell us a little about you and your skills.